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Magkraft Technologies - Bengaluru Visited : 3322
Ads Magkraft Technologies - Bengaluru
Products :Magnetic chucks, Magnetic Lifter,Demagnetisers,V Blocks etc.
Contact Address : # 33, Ground Floor Next to J.C Industrial Area, Yelachenahalli, Kanakpura Road,  Bengaluru, Karnataka India
Phone : +91-80-65902736 Cell : +91-80-65902736 Fax : +91-80-26665701
Email : karbotools@yahoo.com Website : http://www.magkrafttechnologies.com
Company Profile : We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves a company with a team of young people dedicated to quality in Manufacturing of Standard & Customized Magnetic and Non Magnetic work holding devices,jigs and fixtures, all types of Guages, special purpose Machine to Inspection devices etc..

We do look forward to a long association with your organization and be part of your efforts to assure the very best to you customers.We on our part strive continuously improve the product quality, delivery, after sales service and our own systems.

Customer satisfaction is the sole driving force for us to be focused in our efforts. We have well equipped facility to Undertake the above jobs.We also undertake reconditioning of all makes and types of Magnetic device.

Our Customers include esteemed organizations like Bosch Ltd, Avasarala Technologies Ltd, Delphi, Makino, Titan Industries Ltd, Ashok Leyland, Yuken India Ltd, India Pvt Ltd, Timkin India Pvt Ltd, HAL, BEML, Many more factories.

Hence we request you to enroll ourselves in your Vendor's list and write to us or call us for the above requirements. We shall be pleased to furnish any further information in this regard.

In case you need further information kindly call on us or mail to us.

Thank you very much and expecting to be favored with your valued enquiry/orders.

Magkraft Technologies is committed to Good Professional practice, Product and Service Quality, To meet Customers requirements.

Magkraft Technologies has representatives and collection centers in Chennai, Coimbatore, Hosur and Mysore areas.
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