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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Education » Syntegra Educational Counsel

Syntegra Educational Counsel Visited : 7149
Ads Syntegra Educational Counsel
Products :Medical, Engineering, Dental, Management, Nursing, Etc...
Contact Address : C2,rams appartments,purushawalkam,chennai-600084  Chennai, Tamilnadu India
Phone : 044-64602555 Cell : +91 - 92822 44399 Fax : 044-26411449
Email : syntegraedu@gmail.com Website : http://www.syntegra.in
Company Profile : At "Syntegra" we offer you a time-tested and cost effective process that enables a quick admission and smooth immigration process. Our expertise extends to guiding you through every step of your admission process: from the choice of universities, to applying with discretion and guiding you through immigration procedures.

Educational services, such as guidance and consultations, are offered on an individual basis to students. Our goal is to offer the most innovative and time-saving admission information that will make the otherwise laborious application process as simple as possible.
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