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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Education » Dedicated Academy Pvt. Ltd.

Dedicated Academy Pvt. Ltd. Visited : 8892
Ads Dedicated Academy Pvt. Ltd.
Products :IIT-JEE Online Package, AIEEE / AIPMT, BUNIYAD NTSE / Olympiads / NSTSE
Contact Address : Jamnagar City Center cum Regional Office, Shivshakti Complex, Opp. State Bank of India Khodiyar Colo  Jamnagar, Gujarat India
Phone : 0288 2712858/62 Cell : +91 97270 90866
Email : piyushks@gmail.com Website : http://www.daplonline.com
Company Profile : Dedicated Academy Pvt. Ltd. (DAPL) is a premier institute widely known for its quality and moral education. Our name reflects the vision and commitment to provide unmatched education to our students. We enable them to excel in selected stream of their choice. DAPL was established in 2001 at New Delhi by a group of self-motivated and committed people, who all are emotionally educationist. Today Dedicated Academy has grown as a banyan tree and it claims not only be the leader in providing training and education to aspirants of Engineering(IITJEE , AIEEE, SLEEE, DCE) and Medical Entrance (AIPMT, CPMT,AIIMS,AFMC,CMC,JIPMER) Exams but also for overall personality of student to become true citizen

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NRI Gujarati Classified