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Classified » Hotels & Resorts » Resorts near Vadodara » Rajvant Palace Resort

Rajvant Palace Resort Visited : 13782
Ads Rajvant Palace Resort
Products :Shooting Party,Weddings/Parties, Royal Museums, School Trips, Tariff & Packages, Virtual Tour etc.,
Contact Address : Vijay Palace, Rajpipla -393145, Dist. Narmada  Rajpipla, Gujarat India
Phone : 02640 220345 Cell : 9429556123 Fax : (02640) 220071
Email : rajpipla@rajvantpalace.com Website : http://www.rajvantpalace.com
Company Profile : The entire Complex is about 8 acres on elevated land. From the main gate entrance, there are trees and hedge on both sides of half km road (with divider in between) ending near a cannon in
centre and a circular fountain facing the Vijayraj Palace Hotel. On both sides of the road are well laid out lawns.There are out-houses for different category of room guests, and the Rajvant Palace is adjoining.

The Vijay Palace was built by Maharaja Chhatra Singhji for his son Yuvraj Vijay Sinhji in 1910 AD., before he ascended the throne in September 1915. The Palace has a Victorianarchitecture with classical colonnaded semi-circular portico as the entrance, Corinthian pillars, Gothic arches, European domes and views of the river at the rear. The 7 acre grounds have been landscaped professionally into formal gardens. Crested arch doors lead to a marble floored hall, that now serves as the reception of the hotel. The drawing room has retained it’s original character with European settees, elegant tables. On royal portraits and black metal European statutory. The teak wood floor, banqueting hall next to the drawing room, has a long wooden 24 seated dining table, on the wall are historic photographs of Maharajah Vijay Sinhji's exploits of the races and polo.
A number of old and new decorative objects and in brass, marble and ceramics decorate the hall. A portable screen partition separates the banqueting and drawing areas, which is removed when the palace is chartered for corporate conferences.
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