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Charity for Nepal Earthquake 2015 Victims by Kutchi Patel Community London (NRG People)

Charity for Nepal Earthquake 2015 Victims by Kutchi Patel Community London (NRG People)

Shri Swaminarayan temple Stanmore in UK held a special Bhajan sandhya for collecting grant for Nepal earthquake victims. The Bhajan Sandhya in Swaminarayan temple Stanmore was organized by Kutchi Patel community people living in London, UK. Nepal country is almost destroyed in the 7.5 magnitude earthquake which was happened in Last week of April month 2015.

Kutchi Patel community people living in London paid there tribute to the people who died in Nepal earthquake at Swaminarayan temple Bhajan sandhya. Swaminarayan temple Bhajan sandhya was attended by more than 500 devotees. The devotees granted more than 40000 Pound for Nepal earthquake victims in just an hour. The granted 40000 Pound of money will be used for buying food, tent, utensils and clothes for victims of Nepal country people who has yet not recovered from the killing earthquake.

The Nepal earthquake victim’s charity event was attended by local politicians. On 25 April 2015, first aftershock was occurred in Nepal and after that many earthquakes has shaken the Nepal country and according to latest news, the death toll has reached up to 7900+. Some earthquakes were also felt in India but it did not harass much.

Shri Swaminarayan temple Stanmore is under Narnarayan Dev. Shri Swaminarayan temple Dharma Bhakti Manor Stanmore has held the charity event on 1st May 2015. Nepal country is helped out so much by India and Indian army but still more time will be required for Nepal to get settled down again. The charity, food, clothes and other helps are provided from the Indian government, many religious people, NGOs, Celebrities to the Nepal earthquake victims.

Main Category : NRI News
Sub Category : Other-21
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Charity for Nepal Earthquake 2015 Victims by Kutchi Patel Community London (NRG People)
Charity for Nepal Earthquake 2015 Victims by Kutchi Patel Community London (NRG People), Kutchi Patel Community London, Non Residents Gujarati in London, Events in London for Gujaratis, Nepal Earthquake Help from Gujarati People London, Kutchi in London, Kutchi Patels in London, Patels in London, Gujarati Patels in London, Patel Community in London, Gujarati Communities in London, London Gujarati Community, UK Gujarati Community, Shri Swaminarayan Temple Stanmore, Swaminarayan Temple Narnarayan Dev , NRGs in London UK
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