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NRI Gujarati Classified

SHARMA RESORTS Visited : 6562
Products :Swimming Pool with quality cleanliness, Gymnasium, Health Club, Steam and Sauna Bath, Indoor Games, Outdoor Games, Boating, Amusement Park, Mini Water Park, etc
Contact Address : Survey No. 98, Galpadar, Near Airport Crossing, Gandhidham Kutch  Gandhidham, Gujarat India
Phone : 2836 - 257885, 25788 Cell : 9925207739 Fax : http://www.sharmares
Email : info@sharmaresort.com Website : http://2836 - 257891
Company Profile : Ours is an only 4 Star (* * * *) Hotel / Resort in the region of Kachchh, spread over 35 acres of land with maximum capacity of rooms and infrastructure to cater to the needs of all kind of guests that is from tourist to corporate and have the experience of providing services to the level of complete guest satisfaction. We are the only Hotel in the region that is Centrally Air-Conditioned.

We provide exclusive facilities for lodging, boarding and health. Under one roof we take care of guest’s Business + Pleasure + Health, as per his/her demand.

We are already catering to the corporate like IOC, BPCL, HPCL, KPT, IFFCO, PSL, Saw pipes, Reliance Group and HLL, etc. for the past 11 years. The Shipping Companies with us include APL, Maersk, MSC, Samsara, Samudra, Seaworld, J. M. Baxi, etc. We are also preferred to provide services to the Government programmes held in Gandhidham. We also have the experience of organizing large number of Workshops and Seminars for the NGO’s and Marketing houses. Many Industrial setups who have started projects in Kutch have already stay with us like Cargill, Reliance, Welspun, Mann Industries Ltd., G.P.T Steel, National Steel, Indian Steel, Global Oils, Gujarat Spices & Oilseeds Growers Co-Op. Union Ltd., Aban Constructions, Aquagel, Sumilon Industries, Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd., Ruchi Soya, Kutch Chemicals, Sal Steel, JMD Oils, etc….

We have permit shop to purchase liquor as a facility for the people who can obtain permit as per Government rules. There is no permit fee for the foreigners and they can get the permit from our Liquor shop.

The facilities like Swimming Pool with quality cleanliness, Gymnasium, Health Club, Steam and Sauna Bath, Indoor Games, Outdoor Games, Boating, Amusement Park, Mini Water Park, etc. added to provide choice to the long staying guests. The jogging track is much useful for the people who are health conscious and the environment we provide is totally free of pollution and peaceful to the mind.
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NRI Gujarati Classified