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Clearing and Forwarding Agents in Gujarat
Classified » Shipping and Logistics » Clearing and Forwarding Agents in Gujarat » Clearing and Forwarding Agents in Gujarat

Ads Shriji Forwarders - Rajkot
Products :Freight Forwarding Services, Bulk Transportation of Commodities, etc...
Contact Addres : Vibhakar Nivas, 1st floor, Bhaktinagar Society,  Rajkot,Gujarat India
Phone : +91 281 6531489 Cell : +91 9824210589 Fax : +91 281 2360871
Email : nikhil@shrijiforwarders.com Website : http://www.shrijiforwarders.com
Company Profile : SHRIJI FORWARDERS is a dominant company engaged in the business of providing integrated logistical support to export houses by making their operations cost effective & profitable. We provide servi
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Ads KK Associates
Products :Custom Clearance at Bhavnagar, Pipavav, Kandla, Mundra, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, for Export & Imports. Conterised and Bulk cargos.
Contact Addres : 307, Center Point , Ghogha Circle,  Bhavnagar,Gujarat India
Phone : +91 278 2562989 Cell : +91 9824802436
Email : Shipping.kkAssociates@gmail.com Website : http://kkshipping.net
Company Profile : It really takes a lot for a single soul to make transcending barriers an easy task and promote effective transportation systems in India. Only people with a bit 'Extra' can survive in this era of upco
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