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Valentine Day Date in India - When is Valentine Day Celebrated Every Year?

Valentine Day Date in India - When is Valentine Day Celebrated Every Year?

Valentine Day is the day to express your love, feelings to your loved ones and to adore the spirit of love. Valentine Day is celebrated in India and the whole world. The Valentine Day is celebrated everywhere but there are no any holidays as Valentine Day celebration is neither public nor private. Valentine Day in India is celebrated on 14th February every year.

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Valentine Day Date in India

Valentine Day = 14th February

Valentine Day 2018 = 14 February 2018, Wednesday

Why Valentine Day is celebrated in India?

India has the strong cultural and traditional background and rituals but due to globalization India has started celebrating Valentine’s Day. Just like any other country, in India also, the Valentine Day Date is observed on 14th February every year and regarded as a day to express and put across one’s emotions and feelings.

When is Valentine Day celebrated?

Valentine Day Date = 14th February

Valentines Day Sms in Hindi   -     Valentines Day Message in Hindi

Valentines Day Quotes in Gujarati   -   Valentines Day Wishes in Gujarati

Valentine's Day Sms in English   -    Valentine's Day Quotes in English

Valentine Day Celebration in India

This is the day when many people represent their feelings to their loved ones including boy, girl, wife and husband. On this day many parties and DJ musical nights are organized in big cities of India with the theme of color of love- Red. Many competitions for couple are organized like dancing, candle light dinner, best proposal and many others. Many people are choosing 14th February, the valentine day as their marriage date. Many restaurants, salons, gift shops and others are giving big sale and discount on the Valentine Day Date.

Will you be my Valentine???

Will you be my Valentine???

This is the most general question asked by one to his/her loved ones on the Valentine Day.

Valentine Day History

There are many stories of the origination of Valentine Day but the most popular story is about St. Valentine who lived in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II.

Emperor Claudius had put a ban on all marriages and engagements in Rome as he wanted more young men to join the army and get involved in killing war. A romantic at heart priest by the name of Valentine defied this unjustified order of Claudius by secretly arranging marriages of young boys and girls. When the Emperor came to know this, Valentine was put behind bars and he was finally executed on February 14, about 270 AD. Valentine was named a saint after his death and the day Feb 14 was considered a day of romance and love.

What to gift on Valentine Day?

This is the most confusing question for couple that what to gift him/her on the upcoming Valentine Day?  Let me give some options to you. If you are choosing gift for your girlfriend/wife, you can give her photo printed pillow- mug- T-shirt, related gift about her hobbies, wind chime, teddy bear, rose, chocolates and many more.

Now it’s turn for girls. If you are choosing gift for your boyfriend/husband then you can give him a watch, funky accessories, photo printed pillow- mug- T-shirt, goggles, things related to his hobbies and many more.

Happy Valentine Day in Advance!!!

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Main Category : Indian Festivals
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Valentine Day Date in India - When is Valentine Day Celebrated Every Year?
Valentine Day Date in India - When is Valentine Day Celebrated Every Year, Valentine Day 2018, When is Valentine Day, Valentine Day 2018 Theme, Valentine Day Date, Valentine Day Date 2018, Valentine Day Gujarat, Valentine Day India, February 14 Valentine Day Information, When is Valentine Day in 2018, Valentine Day Celebrations, How to Celebrate Valentine Day, Valentine Day Quotes Love News Articles, Why is Valentine Day Date Celebrated, February 14 Valentine Day Date 2018, Valentine Day in Gujarati
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