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Ask Herbal Remedies Visited : 4983
Ads Ask Herbal Remedies
Products :Herbal Treatment
Contact Address : V.P.O Charatgarh, Distt Una  Himachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh India
Phone : +91 9805038733 Cell : +91 9805038733
Email : drvipul_sharma@yahoo.com Website : http://www.askherbalremedies.com
Company Profile : 1) OBESITY

Obesity is a very common disorder and it can cause dangerous diseases like angina, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart failure and gout. Obesity is often due to excessive deposition of fat in the body. It is due to consumption of food in excess of physiological needs. Sometimes obesity also occurs due to disorders of hormonal imbalance like hypothyroidism. Due to these hormonal disorders a person suddenly becomes obese and a victim of many diseases. High calorie diet, luxrious lifestyle, lack of exercise and alcohol are some of the common causes of obesity. According to AYURVEDA, obesity is caused by the impairment of the AGNI responsible for the break up of the molecules of fat.
With the help of our herbal treatment one can reduce weight as well as inches in a very short period of time. Besides the herbal supplements, we provide special consultation of our dietician who provides a special managed diet chart as per daily requirements as well as body constitution (prakriti) of the person. These herbs do not have any side-effects in the body and results are permanent if followed properly


There are many skin diseases like eczema, allergic dermatitis, chronic fungal infection, skin allergies, sun burns, chill allergy and other skin diseases, which do not have any known treatment in allopathy. With the help of steroids one can just suppress the symptoms but not cure. In Ayurveda, we have well established & result oriented treatments. We have a data for diseases like vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and many morewhich are treated & cured at our centre with the help of purely herbal base Ayurvedic medicines. No known side effect is seen with these herbs


Dandruff, hair fall, pre mature graying of hair and hair loss are generally seen in early stage of life. Reason behind it is improper nutrition, dietary habits & pollutants in the atmosphere. With strong shampoos and chemical conditioners, the uppermost skin gets exfoliated and usually people think of clear scalp. But problem again rises after a short period of time. We provide a special herbal treatment which immediately clears the dandruff & stop premature graying & falling of hair permanently. With the help of our herbal based natural treatment one can get clean & healthy hair.


Acne, pimples, blemishes, under eye dark circles, unwanted facial hair, non glowing face-these are the problems which all age groups are facings. There are many cosmetics available in the markets which talk about the result but these chemicals leaves behind remarkable scars on the face. We provide extracts based herbal treatment which clears the face leaving behind healthy & glowing skin without any side-effect. Our face packs are used by renowned models & celebrities regularly.

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NRI Gujarati Classified