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Classified » Food Industry » Spices Manufacturers & Exporters » Aastha Food Products in Jetpur

Aastha Food Products in Jetpur Visited : 5658
Ads Aastha Food Products in Jetpur
Products :Chilli Powder, Turmeric Powder, Coriander powder, Coriander-cumin powder, Super Garam Masala, All in-1 achar Masala,Etc..
Contact Address : vekariya Udhyog Nagar, Opp. Navagadh Railway Station.  Jetpur, Gujarat India
Phone : +91-2823-221747 Cell : +91-96015 45925 Fax : +91-2823-228965
Email : aasthafoodproducts@yahoo.com Website : http://www.aasthafoodproducts.com
Company Profile : India a Partof the Asian cintinent and especially the stste of gujarat has been blesseed with the boundary in the lap of the mother nature of immense wealth of herbs of Aurvedic importance,spices,vegetables, fruits etc. Therefore in this sphere, Gujarat has remained a global leader, it is renowned for its ecstatic spices. Each of the innumerable spices possess a unique taste, distinctive flavour and captivating aroma.

This was the main reason as to why the business community, centuries ago gained an impetus to trade in these spices. These spices have also played the mystiqure role in the authentic taste of Indian cuisines.

Aastha Food Products occupy a place of pride in the world of spices and is recognized to be the most reliable spice manufacture. It is equipped with morden plant & machinery and laboratory supported by qualified and experianced persons. It is situated at Jetpur (Dis-Rajkot,India) which is the main growing center of spices like Chilly, Cumin, Coriander etc. We have successfully developed a wide range of spices powder with different packaging range. we are committed to give you the best quality as always.

We have also drawn up an ambitions expansion plan to develop new blended spices in the years to come. We believe in the universal truth and always work on the motive of Quality consciousness.

Aastha Food Products skillfully treads on tomorrow's pathway to create a brand niche in the global market today.

We have been rightly confered with the prestigious 'AGMARK' certificate for quality.

When it comes to the quality of spices,the golden rule is to retain their original purity & freshness.After all, today, the consumers of spices all over the world are becoming more and more quality conscious. In Aastha Food Products, a nimber of steps are implemented foroptimum quality production.meticulous checks on the humidity of the manufacturing area, drying temperature,mixing time & the storing and packaging operations, are conducted to heighten the original flavour and aroma of the spices and to match standard requirements. Aastha Food Products is placed at the premier position for delivering outstanding products, batch-by-batch and pack-by-pack.
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NRI Gujarati Classified