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Classified » Exhibitions India » Accurate Infomedia P Ltd in Ahmedabad

Accurate Infomedia P Ltd in Ahmedabad Visited : 5290
Ads Accurate Infomedia P Ltd in Ahmedabad
Products :VIA EXPO 2010
Contact Address : 214,Devpath Complex,off: C G Road, Navrangpura  Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Phone : 079 26400546 Cell : +91 98251 19684 Fax : 079 26400546
Email : info@accurateinfomedia.com Website : http://www.accurateexhibitions.com
Company Profile : Vapi Indsutries Association is organizing an Exhibition from 25th to 28th December 2010 in Vapi having app 400 stalls & expecting app 5 lakh visitors

ACCURATE INFOMEDIA P LTD----as the name itself speaks, we believe in providing Accuracy in whatever we do. common-sense has become uncommon now & everybody seems to be promising sky, but we believe in basics.

We are a team who may not be young at age but are certainly young at heart. We believe in dreams, not those come while sleeping, but those dreams, which do not allow us to sleep before the dreams are fulfilled.

Accurate Infomedia is into compiling are printing the Industrial Directories for various Industries Associations & have a strong hold in the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra & Kolkata. Apart from these we also have our own stand-alone products.

The moment Internet was launched into India; we diversified into designing & hosting of Websites and Search Engine Optimization. Internet since than is not just a source of earning Bread & Butter for us, but, it is a Passion for us. This very Passion has given us the strength to keep pace with the new emerging technologies & we now have a huge client base in entire India.

The vast client base motivated us to diversify into the Business of Exhibitions & Event Management. We are confident that we shall keep on getting the same support & motivation from our existing clients & we all jointly shall make a substantial mark in countries economy.
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