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Classified » Event Management Companies » The Tulip Touch

The Tulip Touch Visited : 4250
Ads The Tulip Touch
Products :Events Weddings Parties
Contact Address : Event Manager, The Tulip Touch, 41, Nanubhai Tower, Nizampura  Vadodara, Gujarat India
Phone : 0265-2773360 Cell : +91 98791 4435
Email : ankur@thetuliptouch.com Website : http://www.thetuliptouch.com
Company Profile : Our company The Tulip Touch is a high end wedding planner in Gujarat. We specialize in organizing wedding ceremonies and familiar celebrations, to your desired result. We have a broad experience in wedding management as we have more than 450 smiling clients.

We at The Tulip Touch keep all weddings regardless of kind and size which are made to your specifications and budget. We not just only prescribe the wedding day packages but we go extra miles to ensure you and turn your wedding dream into a reality. Our wedding consultants and coordinators take care of all the phases of your wedding, as we prefer working for our clients and with our clients, as we become a part of your family.

You can contact us for any kind of wedding related services from Invitation cards to Honeymoon packages. Please come to us before doing any bookings for other benefits.

Our team is up to date with latest designs, entertainment, food & hospitality staff that the event world has to offer.

We make sure we stay one step ahead of the game so we can offer all that is new and exciting. We set exceptionally high standards & ensures everyone involved with us lives up to these.
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