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Samvedna Homeopathy - Centre for Child Psychiatry Treatment and Garbh Sanskar Training in India Visited : 20351
Ads Samvedna Homeopathy - Centre for Child Psychiatry Treatment and Garbh Sanskar Training in India
Products :Samvedna Homeopathy - Exclusive Treatment for Behavioural Problems of Children in Specific with others and the Only Garbh Sanskar Training Center in Gujarat India.
Contact Address : 304/Mann Complex, Anand Mahal Road, Adajan  Surat, Gujarat India
Phone : + 0261 2797877 Cell : +91 98790 61979
Email : drkrunalkosada@gmail.com Website : http://samvednalife.com
Icurable Diseases : http://nrigujarati.co.in/healthcare/20/120/GujaratiVideos/incurable-diseases/samvedna-clinic-video-1.html
Garbhsanskar Training : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in/21/133/GujaratiVideos/healthcare-videos/nrigujarati-co-in-garbhsanskar-training-in-surat-gujarat-by-samvedna.html
Garbhsanskar Results : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in/21/134/GujaratiVideos/healthcare-videos/nrigujarati-co-in-garbhsanskar-results-in-surat-gujarat-by-samvedna.html
Company Profile :

“Samvedna “ A Complete Answer  to Child Psychology  Before Birth and After Birth.    Before Birth -   Specially Designed Meditative  Practice Sessions of  ‘GARBHSANSKAR’

After Birth  -  Unbeaten Classical Homoeopathic  Therapy  for Behavioural  Problems of Children.

We at ‘SAMVEDNA’  practice Worldclass Homoeopathy  since past  10 yrs.  With 5000+ Patients.

We are Dealing with  Diseases in Specific, Eespecially  Behavioural  Problems of Children..  Its been long time that we were  wondering  For the  Challenged  cases of  children  where  Medical Science  finds its limits and leaves the  Parents in  a Hell like  Agony  with their Special child.  So indepth Research in the same field  made us lead to  a Therapy –O ffcourse the Homoeopathy   which  if not  the 100%  restoration  but atleast  Could Assure  the  Changes  and  Improvements  that  comes in the Comfort Zone  of  Almost  all such Parents… 

We  Specialises for the same in  cases  of   “  AUTISM, DYSLEXIA,  ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactive  Disorder ) “ Rest  in Childern-  Excessive  Anger with Violence,  Temper Tantrums, Obsitnacy,  Poor  Memory, Disinterest  for Study or  Extra curricular Activities,  Improper    Diet /Apptite & many other Problems are skillfully  dealt  with and  successfully  Treated.

These were the glimpse  of the Treatment  Part  for Children.  But  we believe  if  The New Generation  is well  Proof  against  Such  Minor /Major Problems then the Scenario  would  be different.

The seeds  of this Thought ,  past  two Years,  has  now  make us  Work  upon  the Totally  new  “Transforming  Processess  “  of  ‘GARBHSANSKAR’ .    We  are the  only   Institute in  Gujarat  Teaching  the Exclusive  Meditative  Processes  to   Pregnant  Females. 

Specially  Designed  Garbhsanskar  Training  enables  an Individual  to   Design  her Child  as per own  Desire.   One  can  Impart  Characteristic Features right  into the  Foetus  and  make it  more and more Advanced – Physically, Mentally, Socially and Morally.

Nowadays every  people  are getting aware about  the  health and especially of the kids.  In this context  ‘GARBHSANSKAR’  serves the  Perfect Platform  for the  Bright  Future, Future Generation with  Absolute Pink Health.

To  avoid , Making our kid Suffer  a lot and frequently  by one or the other  Diseases  even after spending a hell  of Money  without  satisfactory  results,  ‘SAMVEDNA-GARBHSANSKAR’  is the only  way to  Break Through.

Challanging  Results  Achieved so far in Homoeopathy  at  Samvedna – Chronic Diseases - Respiratory System, Gastric system, Genito Urinary system, Nervous  system, Skin ailments…..

For more Details....

log on to   "  www.samvednasanskar.com "

We are specialist for Homeopathy,Garbh Sanskar Training and child behavioural disorder in Gujarat  India.

Thanks & Regards

Dr.Krunal kosada.

Samvedna Homeopathy

Surat, Gujarat-India
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