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Classified » Healthcare Industry » Rejuvenesse Clinic - Mumbai

Rejuvenesse Clinic - Mumbai Visited : 2101
Ads Rejuvenesse Clinic - Mumbai
Products :Weight Loss, Blood Pressure, Diabetes Type 2, Cardiac Regeneration, Anti – Aging
Contact Address : Ground Floor, Shrikunj Building, 3A, Altamount Road, Opp. Bank of India Altamount Road Branch, Lane Opp. Antilia, Mumbai 400026  Mumbai, Maharashtra India
Phone : 7900076346 Cell : 7900076346
Email : contact@rejuvenesse.in Website : http://rejuvenesse.in
Company Profile : Rejuvenesse specializes in the Rejuvenation & Revitalization of skin with exclusive Anti-Aging Therapies, Weight Loss, Diabetes & Impotence Cure Programmes.

BREATHE NEW LIFE - At Rejuvenesse, our commitment to breathing new life into our patients is founded on a unique combination of science and care.

Rejuvenesse Provides Services like Anti Aging, Weight Loss, Andro Revive, Diabetes, Incurable Diseases.

ANTI AGING - Anyone above 28 years of age can immensely benefit from this program.The rejuvenation process helps you look young, get rid of stress and fatigue, regain good health and the joy of life, and cleanse your body of toxins.This program uses the latest advances in science, is effective and totally safe. It allows for a short period of time to achieve the desired and stable result.

The effectiveness of the program is that the rejuvenation occurs at the cellular level by means of high-quality, unique injections and detoxification procedures.

WEIGHT LOSS - Rejuvenesse German Scientific-Slim Program
The German Scientific-Slim is a permanent weight loss plan that not only helps reduce your abnormal fat,but also helps resetting your brain and endocrine system that consequently revamps your eating habits.

ANDRO REVIVE - Male empowerment through ‘Re-education’ of penis
Andro-Revive therapy is “tailored for each patient”,with a combination of highly effective German and Russian therapies that are based on several years of research, which specifically eliminate the root cause/causes of erectile dysfunction/low-libido without using any pharmaceutical drugs or undergoing surgery.

DIABETES - Metabolic Therapy for Diabetes
Reversal of Type II Diabetes without Surgery or Drugs
If you have type 2 diabetes, you certainly need to know that 90% of cases of diabetes are reversible. Metabolic Therapy for reversal of diabetes mellitus is a physician-supervised 7-days at clinic + 6 months "do at home" treatment program.

Is there such a thing as an incurable disease?
From a conventional (pharmaceutical) medical standpoint many diseases are “incurable”. The medical profession is bent on providing symptomatic relief only through biochemical intervention (pharmaceutical drugs). In so doing, they not only hinder all or most healing activity of the body, but actually produce a more stressful condition for the body, lowering its immune system, leading to a more serious diseased condition.
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