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NRI Gujarati Classified

VASANT MASALA Visited : 11291
Products :Chili Powder, Kumathi, Reshampatti, Turmeric Powder, Dhana, Tea Masala, Garam Masala, Achar Masala, Strong Hing etc
Contact Address : Near MarketYard  Zalod, Gujarat India
Phone : 02679 - 224138 Cell : +91 94265 06370 Fax : 02679 - 224948
Email : vasantmasalajhalod@gmail.com Website : http://www.vasantmasala.com
Company Profile : VASANT MASALA PVT. LTD., the flagship company, popularly known by the brand name, "VASANT", has been set up by professionals and technocrats having expertise on SPICES MARKET in Gujarat. Espacially Chili Powder, Turmeric Powder for more than 35 years. VASANT has been dealing in Chili Powder, Turmeric Powder, Garam Masala, Tea Masala, Strong Hing, New Launched Ready Achar Masala, in Local & Export Market since three decades now.


VASANT has it's own plant which is located at Zalod, Gujarat- about 30 kms away from the Dahod City, with state-of -the art production and manufacturing facilities.


Driven by ambition and vision of its founders, Shri Bapulal S. Bhandari (MD), VASANT stedily started manufacturing Chili Powder & Turmeric Powder and then gradually shift on other masala product as above. Thus, Vasant has establish it self as one of the Leading Exporter & Manufacturer of Spices in the India.

The unrelenting pace of growth led to further diversification from Chili & Turmeric Powder to Ready Achar Masala & Garam Masala & Many More.

Manufacturer & EXPORTER

Today, Vasant is the largest manufacturer and exporter of pure & hygienic spices like Chili Powder, Turmeric Powder, Strong Hing, Tea Masala, Garam Masala,. Ready Achar Masala, These are revolutionary products being used with various food products. Not only in Gujarat But in foreign countries also recommend our product.
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NRI Gujarati Classified