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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Food Industry » Namkeen & Wafers » ATOP FOOD PRODUCTS

Products :Chips | Namkeet | Chatapata | Sweets| Calbee etc.,
Contact Address : Morbi-Rajkot Highway, P. O. Box No. 007,  Morbi, Gujarat India
Phone : 2822-285151, 52 , 53 Cell : 9825300990 Fax : 2822-285155
Email : info@atopfood.com Website : http://atopfood.com
Company Profile : Welcome To ATOP Food Products

"In less than a decade, our company has grown from strength to strengths. From primary to tertiary FMCG, it has carefully planned the accessibility to ensure that speciality care is available at the nearest, when clients need at the earliest. The purpose is to provide superior quality products & services to more people and in many regions.

ATOP FOOD PRODUCT is a corporate FMCG organisation, equipped with modern facilities, specialized equipment, and a team of highly skilled and devoted professionals trained with the latest technological advancements. Our company provides high quality care with a service focus in a professional & caring environment.

we have established ourself as a premier provider of high quality, professional FMCG products in a state-of-the-art facility for over a decades.

We,at ATOP understand the impact of the FMCG environment. Good environments make us feel better, and feeling better is the key to getting better."
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NRI Gujarati Classified