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Classified » Healthcare Industry » Dr. Patel Anti Aging Clinic - Baroda

Dr. Patel Anti Aging Clinic - Baroda Visited : 4209
Ads Dr. Patel Anti Aging Clinic - Baroda
Products :Stemrich, MBJ Oil, Circulation Forte, Scalp Stimulant, Elixir of Life, Diabo-Cure, Quantum Energy, Diabetes Kit
Contact Address : A-1,Surbhi Bungalows,Behind overseas Avenue,  Baroda, Gujarat India
Phone : 0265 6585888 Cell : 91 99090 01785
Email : kepree2001@yahoo.com Website : http://drpatelsantiaging.com
Video Link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2ovrm1vKLc
Video Link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0tZoJ6yChA
Company Profile :

Research on StemRich was started by Dr. Pravin Patel in August 1985. Since then Dr. Pravin Patel has been serving mankind and has received many excellence awards for his work. 
He was also awarded by Mother Teressa for his work. Dr. Pravin Patel’s deep desire to truly help people improve their health has always turned heads.

Always focusing on the goal of helping people, he received the Grahak Suraksha Award, which is a Consumer Protection Award in India, presented by Mother Teresa herself Dr. Patel has also received excellence awards for productivity, quality, innovation and achievement and is well-known in India, England and Brazil.

Dr. Pravin Patel, has practiced in Las Vegas, U.S.A. and has had a very successful medical carrier in U.S.A and currently Dr. Pravin Patel is in Baroda, India , offering his Unique medical services. He has Unbelievable and amazing Medical software’s and machines that can work wonders. He offers Stem Cell therapy, Quantum Healing, Neuro programming and cosmetic treatments for all kinds of health, cosmetic and psychological issues.

Stem Cells have the ability to repair and regenerate damaged cells. Dr. Patel has formulated a Natural Supplement with some of the rare South American herbs which can increase the quantity and mobility of stem cells in human body and repair the damage in the body. This supplement called “stemrich” has proven to be very effective in treating diabetes , liver, heart problems etc. He has formulated medicines for hair growth and pain too which are very effective . Dr. Patel also does Quantum healing in India , which works on the principles of Bio-resonance feedback to diagnose & cure his patients, Its an amazing software which can even read your sub conscious mind. Dr. Pravin Patel also does lots of cosmetic work like fat reduction and face lift, wrinkle removal, breast lift and enlargement without any surgery and drugs. Any kind of pain like knee pain , back pain and stress management.

Dr. Patel has an expertise in treating” Diabetes” with his latest methods, and he has treated several patients successfully, who were suffering from diabetes since many years.

He can enhance memory and IQ of students with Neuro programming and has helped many students to improve memory and IQ and gain self confidence.

He can treat any kind of depression, addiction and allergies with his imported techniques. He has treated many medical professionals in USA and they have said only one thing that Dr. Patel is ahead of his time.

The best thing about Dr. Patel is that he does all this without surgery or drugs and No side effects.
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