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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Healthcare Industry » Dhakaan Hospital - Rajkot

Dhakaan Hospital - Rajkot Visited : 7348
Ads Dhakaan Hospital - Rajkot
Products :Complete Cardiac Care, Orthopedics & Trauma, Dental, ICU, ICCU, 24 x 7 Hours Emergency
Contact Address : Near Ranchoddasji Bapu Ashram, Kuvadva Road,  Rajkot 3, Gujarat India
Phone : +91 281-2456451 Cell : +91 281-2472233 Fax : +91 281-2444084
Email : info@dhakaanhospital.com Website : http://dhakaanhospital.com
Company Profile :

When it comes to the medical care, Dhakaan hospital believes that, every individual deserves only the best. With such commitment – The best doctors, the best nurses, the best medical care system with the most advanced equipment and treatment procedures comprises a 50 bed – complete cardiac care and multi – speciality hospital, first ever in Saurashtra & Kutch region at Rajkot dedicated to deliver high quality health care within reach of every common man. Highly Qualified Specialists and doctors Every department is managed by a specialist consultant with many years of work experience. In-house specialist and team of medical officers is available round-the-clock. High-Tech Equipments Dhakaan hospital has state-of-the-art equipment essential for a multi-speciality hospital to offer complete services under one roof Qualified paramedics and support staff Experienced and qualified nurses, technicians and support staff to provide close knit team and excellence everywhere. Healing Touch At Dhakaan hospital, patients are given individual attention and family environment to provide a healing touch. Value for the money Professional management of the hospital possesses quicker diagnostic abilities and latest treatment techniques, enable to offer specialized medical facilities at an affordable price.
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