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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Education » Station-e

Station-e Visited : 6259
Ads Station-e
Products :Station-e is a visionary and pioneering string of language labs providing complete solutions in Communication Skills
Contact Address : Silver Sand - 2, Opp.Iscon Mall, Off. 150' Ring Road,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : +91 - 281 - 2584830
Email : info@station-e.com Website : http://www.station-e.com
Company Profile : Station-e is a visionary and pioneering string of language labs providing complete solutions in Communication Skills. It offers a broad array of courses that cater to the increasingly acute demand of trained workforce in terms of Communication Skills in domains like BPO and ITES Call Centres, the corporate world and in the society at large. It is the ideal and final destination when it comes to reducing MTI (Mother Tongue Influence) and acquiring Accent Neutralization through path-breaking utilization of high-tech equipments supplementing the innovatively evolved training methodology. Here, call centre aspirants as commoners, students as wellas professionals, businessmen as well as IELTS candidates all come together to experience the rare joy of learning English simplified and customized to suit their respective requirements.

Station-e is a relentlessly evolving vision project. It has an exceedingly erudite team of researchers devoted solely to the creation of new concepts as regards Communication Skills. It is highly significant to note that Station-e will always be ready to be of service to any business house, or organization of like-minded people who are required to achieve finesse at Communication Skills. If you have any specified set of requirements Station-e will be glad to devise special training modules to meet the same.
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NRI Gujarati Classified