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Classified » Healthcare Industry » Neurologist in Bhavnagar » Dr. Jayanti Gurumukhani - Neurologist Bhavnagar

Dr. Jayanti Gurumukhani - Neurologist Bhavnagar Visited : 4309
Dr. Jayanti Gurumukhani - Neurologist Bhavnagar
Products :Headache, Epilepsy, Stroke, Parkinsons disease, Movement disorders, Etc...
Contact Address : 10-11, Carlton Square, Kalanala,  Bhavnagar, Gujarat India
Phone : 0278-3004936 Cell : 9898355080
Email : mjgurumukhani@gmail.com Website : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in
Company Profile : Diseases treated: Headache, Epilepsy, Stroke, Parkinsons disease, Movement disorders, Vertigo, Backache, Sciatica, Neck pain, Dementia, Myasthenia Gravis, Muscle Diseases, Peripheral Neuropathy, GBS, Balance problems, Facial Palsy

Facilities availble:

Video EEG,
Physiotherapy depatment
and Botox Therapy

Training: Bombay Hospital, NIMHANS Banglore and clinical attachment at Queens Square London

1st and only qualified (DM) Neurologist of Bhavnagar

Clinic on ground floor in the heart of city at Kalana, fully airconditioned, well trained, polite and cooperative staff, ample parking, hightech instruments and printed prescription


Dr. Jayanti Gurumukhani - Neurologist Bhavnagar

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NRI Gujarati Classified