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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Healthcare Industry » Dr. Brijesh soni

Dr. Brijesh soni Visited : 3767
Dr. Brijesh soni
Products :Dental Surgeons
Contact Address : M-205, Opposite Astron Railway Bridge,Gujarat Housing Board  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 9825179348 Cell : 9825179348
Email : dr_brijeshzanzmeria@yahoo.com Website : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in
Company Profile : offers international quality dental care and specialty treatment. Right from the days of its establishment, it has strived and succeeded in providing quality dental care. With a unique multi-disciplinary approach, the customers have access to a renowned aesthetic dentist, a prosthodontist, a periodontist, an implantologist, an endodontist, an orthodontist and an oral and maxillo facial surgeon - All under one roof!

Our clinic is situated in the heart of the city, is a state of the art multispeciality dental clinic with all necessary latest modern equipments. This helps us to provide the best treatment to our valued patients, who come from all over world.

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NRI Gujarati Classified