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Classified » Healthcare Industry » Ayushyam Panchkarma Hospital

Ayushyam Panchkarma Hospital Visited : 3562
Ads Ayushyam Panchkarma Hospital
Contact Address : Kinjal 2nd Floor, 14-Sardar Nagar,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 0281-2468144 Cell : 098242 35028
Email : devesh.joshi002@gmail.com Website : http://www.ayushyampanchkarma.com
Company Profile : You've just entered an amazing world of Ayueved. Whether you know the title you're looking for or simply want to know about informative Ayurved in India, you're sure to find solutions of your problems here.

Welcome to the Aayushyam Panchkarma hospital and rejuvenation centre and research academy from where you can find solutions of your health problems in a scientific way from ancient science.

We are a group of experienced professionals and have expertise to treat successfully chronic and challengeable diseases by Panchkarma. We are expertise for Rejuvenation therapy (Rasayan Chikitsa) which prevents aging process.

We have established a full-fledged Panchkarma Hospital and Rejuvenation centre at Rajkot – Gujarat – India.

Aayushyam Panchkarma Hospital brings you a line of Ayurvedic natural health protection treatment of the highest quality which can help you to maintain the charm in your life and of good health, inner balance and personal wellbeing.

Aayushyam Panchkarma Hosputal is based in Rajkot – Gujarat – India. We provide bio purification , cleansing therapy (Panchkarma treatment) to highest standards of quality treatment whilst staying to the principles of Ayurved.

Aayushyam Panchkarma Hospital is founded on the fundamentals of the ancient holistic health science of India that is Ayurved. This only health science provides excellent health of physical as well as mental and spiritual by creating harmony between a person’s body and nature.

All the procedures and treatment have been developed with the close consultation with our team of experts and Vaidya Dhirendra Joshi who is possessing more than 40 years experience of Ayurvedic practice. Our aim is to help people to achieve some of the greatest gift of nature that is healthy body with healthy mind and soul. Long span of healthy life.
Following are some important aspects in this regard:

1. We can treat challengeable ailments by applying Panchkarma procedures.
2. We can manage to prevent aging process by applying Panchkarma procedures.
3. We can give relief to the patients of degenerative knee joint pain and spine related pain and ultimately prevents patients from surgery.
4. We can provide counseling for healthy eating and lifestyle.
5. We can provide counseling to Diabetetic patients to prevent complications.
6. We can provide counseling for healthy and smart child.
7. We can help to create confidence to the fresh Ayurved graduates to practice with Ayurvedic systems of medicines.
8. We can help to pharmaceuticals manufacturers to compose scientific formulation of patent Ayurvedic medicines.
9. We can help for development of mentally week children.
10. We can help to increase memory power by applying Pachkarma procedures.
11. We train technical staff of panchkarma therapy.
12. We can help to reduce effect of Chemo Therapy and Radiation side effects.

The common cause is food for health and ill health. The eating of wholesome food brings health, whilst ill-health results from wrong eating.
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