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Classified » Event Management Companies » X-Factor Eventz

X-Factor Eventz Visited : 3297
Ads X-Factor Eventz
Products :Event management, Corporate event, Road show, BTL, Wedding, Birtday party, Theme party,Etc...
Contact Address : 105, Ratnamani Complex, Opp Gandhigram Railway Station, Ellisbridge  Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Phone : 79 - 4007 4234 Cell : +91 99097 03031
Email : xfactor.pvt.ltd@gmail.com Website : http://www.xfactoreventz.com
Company Profile : X-Factor Eventz is a full service event organization. This one stop shop focuses on creating innovative, result oriented events that fulfill the needs of our clients. No matter what the requirements may be, our first priority lies in gaining an in-depth understanding of how your business works, what you hope to achieve and what we can do to deliver results that exceed all expectations.

We are backed by a strong resource network and a skilled event production team who are richly experienced in an assortment of disciplines such as Advertising, Branding, Event Management, Channel Management, Graphic Designs and Operations. We also takes pride in organizing quality events at competitive rates.
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NRI Gujarati Classified