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Fruits Name in Gujarati to English with Photos - List of All Fruit Names in Gujarati and English

Fruits Name in Gujarati to English with Photos - List of All Fruit Names in Gujarati and English

Fruits are very Necessary Things for nutrition of body. Fruits are essential need for health. Fruits have their own characteristics. A fruit provides Vitamins, Calcium, Iron, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Minerals etc. nutrients to our Body. You will find here Fruit Name in Gujarati to English with Photos. This list of fruits is in 2 languages, namely Gujarati to English.

List of All Fruit Names in Gujarati and English:

Safarjan - Apple

Jaldaru - Apricot

Kelu - Banana

Ramphal - Bell Fruit

Kali Draksh - Blackcurrant

Shetur - Blackberry Fruit/Mulberry

Falsa- Blueberry

Shakkar Teti – Cantaloupe/ Honeydew Melon

Teti - Honeydew Melon

Kaju – Cashew nut

Cheri – Cherry

Naliyer - Coconut

Strawberry – Strawberry

Chikoo - Sapodila

Karmada - Cranberry

Sitaphal - Custard apple

Khajoor - Dates

Anjeer  - Fig

Amla - Gooseberry

Jamphal - Guava

Phanas - Jackfruit

Limbu- Lemon

Litchi - Lychee

Keri - Mango

Narangi - Orange

Alu - Peach

Ananas - Pineapple

Mousambi - Sweet lime

Tarbuch – Watermelon

Naspati - Pear

Dadam - Pomegranate

Findla - Prickly Pear

Here an above you can Fruits Name in Gujarati to English with Photos. There is List of All Fruits Names in Gujarati and English is available. You can check here Fruits Name in Gujarati to English with Photos.Now a Days People are become more and more active towards education for their children. Especially Mothers are giving more affords to her child about their study. We know that children are an age of 2 and above trying to learn everything like fruits name, Body Parts name etc …and their parents and family members are very curious about learning of their children. They are very excited for children learn new things. Now your curiosity towards your child is going to be fulfilled and you can easily teach them a fruit name with pictures.

Here we have make easy task for moms for their children. Here you can check fruits name with picture in English and Guajarati. For a child, Learning is not an easy way but with help of pictures of Fruits they can easily learn anything. Here you can see Images of Fruits name. And fruits name in English and Guajarati. For learning of basics, by seeing Photos, Images of Fruits or anything child can easily and very quickly set it in their memory as compared to writing and reading.

We have collected here Fruits name with Pictures. As a learning stage of your child you can see photos of fruit name we are eating in our daily life. From the list of Fruit Names in Gujarati and English we can also tell to the children. “See this fruit is having nutrients like fiber, calcium, vitamins etc”… It is good for your health. From list of fruit names in English with pictures child can quickly grasp everything in their Mind. You can easily teach them by indicating towards all Fruits names with Pics.
Main Category : Food
Sub Category : Other-10
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Fruits Name in Gujarati to English with Photos - List of All Fruit Names in Gujarati and English
Fruits Name in Gujarati to English with Photos - List of All Fruit Names in Gujarati and English, Fruits Name in Gujarati to English with Photos, Fruits Name in Gujarati to English with Pictures, Fruits Name in Gujarati to English with Images, List of All Fruit Names in Gujarati and English, List of Fruits Name in English and Gujarati with Pictures, List of Fruits Name with Images, Fruit Name with Picture, All Fruit Name with Pic, List of Fruits with Pictures and Names
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