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Sardar Sarovar Dam Narmada Photos Pics Images Pictures in Gujarat India

Sardar Sarovar Dam Narmada Photos Pics Images Pictures in Gujarat India

The Sardar Sarovar Dam is a gravity dam on the Narmada River near Navagam located in Gujarat India. Sardar Sarovar Dam is the largest dam and part of the Narmada Valley Project, a large hydraulic engineering project involving the construction of a series of large irrigation and hydroelectric multi-purpose dams on the Narmada River.

Information About Sardar Sarovar Dam Gujarat

At a height of 128 m and growing, Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat is the largest dam on the Narmada River. Sardar Sarovar Narmada Dam provides water for various purpose like irrigation and drinking water supply, hydropower, and flood protection across the state of Gujarat, India.

The dam builders state their mission as "harnessing the untapped waters of the Narmada for survival of millions of people and environmental sound sustainable development of the western India by providing the essence of life-Water and Energy."

Location of Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Dam is located at Kevadia, near Rajpipla in Gujarat.

Photographs of Sardar Sarovar Dam Gujarat.

Have a look at original Sardar Sarovar Dam Photos. We have collected various Sardar Sarovar Dam Images from different angles like Narmada Dam Full Site, Narmada Dam Canal, Sardar Sarovar Views, Narmada Dam Overflow Images, Picnic Spots at Narmada Dam, Sardar Sarovar Dam Overflowing Pics etc…

So, when your planning your trip to “Sardar Sarovar Dam” ? ? Share your views about “Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat” with us… 

Refer this latest breaking news of, Narmada Dam Overflowing - Narmada Dam Latest News

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Sardar Sarovar Dam Overflowing - Narmada Dam Overflowing 2012

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Sardar Sarovar Dam Narmada Photos Pics Images Pictures in Gujarat India
Sardar Sarovar Dam Photos Pics Images Pictures in Gujarat India, Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat, Sardar Sarovar Dam Photos, Sardar Sarovar Dam Pics, Sardar Sarovar Dam Images, Sardar Sarovar Dam Pictures, Sardar Sarovar Dam Gujarat India, Sardar Sarovar Dam Overflowing, New Sardar Sarovar Dam Images, Sardar Sarovar Narmada Dam, Gujarat Sardar Sarovar Dam Pictures, Photographs of Sardar Sarovar Dam, Photos of Sardar Sarovar Dam, Sardar Sarovar Dam Photographs, Latest Sardar Sarovar Dam Photos, Images of Sardar Sarovar Dam, Pics of Sardar Sarovar Dam, Pictures of Sardar Sarovar Dam, Narmada Dam Overflow, Location of Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat, Sardar Sarovar Dam Overflowing 2012, Sardar Sarovar Narmada Dam Gujarat
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