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Shree Ramkrishna Paramhans Ashram in Rajkot Gujarat - Address of Ramkrishna Ashram
Shree Ramkrishna Paramhans Ashram in Rajkot Gujarat - Address of Ramkrishna Ashram

Ramkrishna Ashram Established by Shree Swami Vivekanand at Kolkata. 'Shree Ramakrishna Ashram' at Rajkot Was Established in 1926. Swami Madhavanandaji Maharaj became the 9th president of Ramakrishna Math.

Ramkrishna Ashram is the second most important place for the followers of Swami Vivekananda. The Universal Temple of Shree Ramakrishna Shri Ramakrishna Ashram, Rajkot Was inaugurate In April, 1979. There are thousands of People visit this Ramkrishna Paramhans Ashram in Rajkot.


Ramakrishna Ashram Address Arti Timings

Address ------------------------------ Ramakrishna Ashrama, Dr. Yagnik Road, Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Aarti Timing--------------------------05:00AM to 7:30PM


Ramakrishna Ashram is also involved in rural development and relief, treatment, educational, spiritual, and cultural work. This is so much peaceful place and People gets nice thoughts from there. There are several annual competitions to encourage students and youths. There is a beauty full Garden.

Activities of Ramkrishna Mission

- There is a Free Public Library and Reading Room with 39,514 Books and 283 News Paper and Periodicals.

- In the Ramkrishn Aashram helpful dispensary with Ayurvedic, Homoeopathic and eye section, as well as a physiotherapy centre Total 77,680 cases were treated, 2895 eye patients are operated in the eye camps during the 1 year.

-  There is a cultural unit famous by name Vivekanad Institute of Value Education.

- Ramakrishna Ashram is also involved in rural development and relief, treatment, educational, spiritual, and cultural work.

-  A students’ Home with 16 boys.

- A school of languages where Bengali, English, French and Sanskrit are taught with 188 students.

- Rural development Work and Exhibition, Workshop Seminars, Calibration of Festival, Vocational Training Centre, Eye Camp, Physiotherapy Unit, Book-stall, Christmas Eve, Kali Puja, Saraswati Puja, Spiritual Retreat, Welfare  Work, Youth   Welfare Programmes.

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Posted On: 10/09/2016 07:34:08
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Shree Ramkrishna Paramhans Ashram in Rajkot Gujarat - Address of Ramkrishna Ashram
Shree Ramkrishna Paramhans Ashram in Rajkot Gujarat - Address of Ramkrishna Ashram, Shree Ramkrishna Ashram Rajkot, Ramakrishna Ashram in Rajkot, Ramkrishna Paramhans Ashram Rajkot, Ramakrishna Ashram Rajkot Gujarat, Ashram in Rajkot, Ramakrishna Ashram Address, Shri Ramkrishna Ashram Rajkot, Ramakrishna Ashram Rajkot Arti Timings, Sri Ramkrishna Ashram Rajkot, Ramkrishna Ashram Photos, Temple in Rajkot Gujarat, Ramkrishna Ashram in Gujarat
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